· By Danielle Mossfeldt
The Benefits of Sensory Play
We LOVE Sensory Play, but what is it and why is it so important for early childhood development?
Sensory play is an activity that engages the senses and helps kids make sense of the world around them. When the senses are engaged, it helps the brain build nerve connections that can stimulate cognitive development.
Fine Motor Skills
Fine motor skills are used for making small movements like holding a pencil, zipping a zipper or using scissors. Sensory play helps children build these important fine motor skills by using small muscle groups during tactile play.
Language Development
During sensory play children can describe what they are experiencing. What colour is it? How does it feel? Can you mix it? Learning descriptive words helps to expand vocabulary.
Problem Solving
As children experiment and analyze results they are learning how things work and developing important problem solving skills. Sensory play helps kids to explore and figure out challenges (like how to get the play dough back into the container).
Emotional Regulation
Sensory play can help reduce stress and anxiety by allowing children to redirect their focus. Running hands through rice, squishing play dough or playing with water can all have calming effects.